Bubbles in Urine: 9 Possible Causes and Treatment Options
Some people may observe bubbles in their urine. But what do bubbles in urine mean? Is it normal or should it concern you? Bubbly or foamy urine can be harmless, but there can be...
Some people may observe bubbles in their urine. But what do bubbles in urine mean? Is it normal or should it concern you? Bubbly or foamy urine can be harmless, but there can be...
Stomach pain after eating can arise out of innumerable reasons. These reasons may be anything from indigestion to gas, ulcers, or gastric. We all love eating, however, it can be very frustrating when your...
Constant coughing is a problem that causes both physical and mental strain. There are many explainable causes of a cough that won’t go away. Whether it is minor or severe, if you experience an...
Coughing is a common natural phenomenon experienced by each one of us at some point in our life. But sometimes uncontrollable cough can cause a lot of annoyance. Coughing helps to expel chemicals, microbes,...
A sharp pain in the vaginal area is a prevalent problem in women of all age groups. Some women may experience sharp vagina pain after an aggressive sexual intercourse. For others, it may be...
A rash behind the ear can be concerning. Some rashes come and go, while others are more permanent. A rash can develop on one ear or both. A rash behind the ear and at...
A leaky anus can be an embarrassing condition causing uncontrollable anal discharge. Many cases of anal leakage are temporary while some are chronic. There are many causes and treatment options of anal leakage. Don’t...
When it comes to a healthy diet, green tea is the first thing that pops up in our head. Green tea is loaded with several good components. It helps your body fight many health...
Blood blisters on fingers are a result of skin damage. Whenever you damage your skin in some way or the other the blood vessels beneath the skin get ruptured, and this injury results in...
Each time you wish to get your cartilage pierced, you should be careful and consult a professional. Inexperienced piercers, usually found at mall kiosks may use unhygienic and unsterilized tools leading to an infected...
If you wonder “why do I have a sweet taste in my mouth,” let us tell you, a sweet taste in mouth often follows consumption of sugary or sweet foods. This sensation is triggered...
Garlic and honey can be infused together to create a natural immunity boosting remedy for many types of ailments. There are many health benefits of garlic and honey, especially when you mix them. The...
Morning sickness in pregnancy affects almost 80% women around the world. It is also marked as the first sign of pregnancy by few women. Morning sickness doesn’t harm the baby, and some studies also...
Blood pressure is a measure of the force of blood against your artery walls. Having a normal blood pressure is important to your overall fitness. If you have fluctuating blood pressure, it can cause...
Having an orange tongue is not a concern if you have just eaten orange colored food. But in some people, it may appear without such consumption. If you notice orange or yellowish coating on...
Mottled skin (livedo reticularis) is a skin condition that makes the skin appear net-like or patchy. The irregular patchy skin may look discolored due to changes in blood vessels, excessive sun exposure, or advanced...
What Is Low MCHC? Blood constitutes the circulatory system of the body. It is a vital fluid that channelizes the flow of necessary substances to and from different body cells. Erythrocytes or red blood...
Dry heaving is the uncomfortable vomit-like sensation without actually vomiting. If you get the dry heaves, you may feel nauseous. Dry heaves occur when your diaphragm contracts and your airway closes. It is also...
Do you suffer from front thigh pain? Have you ever wondered where the pain in your front thigh comes from? Your front thigh consists of one of the largest group of muscles in your...
Burping is a body function which allows you to expel air present in the stomach through your mouth. It is the excessive air that you swallow while eating. However, constant burping can cause discomfort...