10 Reasons Your Stomach Hurts after Eating and How to Treat It

Stomach pain after eating can arise out of innumerable reasons. These reasons may be anything from indigestion to gas, ulcers, or gastric.
We all love eating, however, it can be very frustrating when your stomach hurts after eating. The stiffness and abdominal pain after eating have become quite common nowadays.
In most of the situations a proper, timely, and healthy diet helps you overcome the stomach hurts after eating problem.
Why does your Stomach Hurt after Eating?
If your stomach hurts after eating, it can cause a lot of discomfort.
Many people experience this bout of stomach pain after eating without even knowing the actual cause or reason behind it.
Many of these causes require simple home remedies. The common reasons why you experience stomach ache after eating are constipation, food allergies, food poisoning, and overeating.
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1. The Food You Eat
The kind of food you eat or the combination of eatables that you consume can upset your stomach and may be the prime cause of why your stomach hurts after eating.
One should know what their body likes and what it doesn’t. Also, it is essential to remember which food items are suitable for your health.
2. Hygiene
The food eaten should be adequately cooked and hygienic. It should not be raw or half cooked. The food should be prepared in clean surroundings using clean utensils.
3. Indigestion
Lack of water in our body can cause improper digestion. Drinking less water causes the food to be left undigested which can lead to stomach pain after having a meal.
Merely swallowing up the food and not chewing it properly also adds to the problem.
4. Quality of Food
The food items or ingredients used in the food should be in excellent condition and of good quality else it may make your stomach hurt after eating.
Expired ingredients or that of low-quality food is another reason why your stomach hurts after eating.
For instance, the oil which we use for cooking vegetables should be of a good brand and in good condition.
5. Allergies
Some people may have food allergies which may lead to stomach pain after consuming them.
Foods like eggs, milk, soy or other dairy products are the common types of foods which cause food allergies among people.
You must know which eatables are you allergic to and for that, you need to know your body and its adaptations well. If not known at the right time, it can cause serious problems.
6. Stress
Stress is a common among all the age groups, whether it is teenagers or adults. Teenagers may face pressure due to tension concerning their studies or heartbreaks.
Adults suffer from stress because of financial problems or some other problem at work. This pressure can harm our health.
It can cause weight loss, loss of appetite and can also cause the stomach to malfunction due to which your stomach hurts after eating.
7. Constipation
If you observe a change in the number of visits you make to the washroom due to improper bowel movements, it’s time to know that you are suffering from constipation.
Constipation may arise due to eating disorders, lack of fiber in meals, some medicines and also due to hypothyroidism.
Such Illness can cause you great trouble as it will keep you engaged visiting the washroom often and will even endure stomach ache.
8. Ulcers
Ulcers are severe sores present in the stomach or the intestine. They can cause considerable pain after eating food, and the pain seems to last for a quite long time.
So if you experience pain in your tummy after eating food, it can be a sign of ulcers.
9. Heartburn
Heartburn is a feeling as if your chest is burning. After having a meal, one can experience pain or burning sensation in the chest which can also lead to stomach pain.
10. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
IBS is the acronym used for irritable bowel syndrome. It is not easy to treat IBS. Its symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. It can lead to stomach ache after eating.
Other causes may also include:
- Lactose intolerance
- Celiac disease
- Peptic ulcers
- Gallstones
- Intestinal obstruction
- Blocked blood vessels
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Gastritis
- Intestinal ischemia, or appendicitis
Stomach Hurts after Eating: Treatment Options
There always is the right remedy for all of your health issues. Here are some of the in-house measures that will relieve your stomach pain after eating:
- Belly button healing can be used to overcome the pain in stomach after eating. Use your belly button healing wand at least for five minutes, pumping in and out at the navel and concentrating on your abdomen.
- Turmeric powder mixed in a glass of warm water is very beneficial as it reduces the undigested food waste in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with water can aid your digestion and relieve you from stomach hurts after eating.
- Have some ginger to reduce the abdominal pain after eating.
- Hot pack full of water will be beneficial, be careful not to put boiling water in the bag. Place the hot compress over the stomach region and then gently massage your stomach.
- Drink lots of water and avoid big meals. When you feel hungry, start with bland, smaller meals.
- Go for over the counter antacid.
- Include yogurt and herbal tea in your daily regime.
- Cut short on solid foods, if you feel like vomiting. These include all greasy, fatty and processed foods.
- Avoid taking aspirin, narcotics, or anti-inflammatory drugs, until you have diagnosed the cause of your digestive distress.
- Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
- Keep yourself fit and healthy and always remember “prevention is better than cure.”
When Should You Visit the Doctor?
You should consult a doctor for stomach pain after eating if the pain is progressively increasing even if you’ve stopped eating.
If the pain is not letting you sit still or if you notice some symptoms like fever or vomiting, diarrhea lasting for more than two-three days, change in the color of your stool you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.
If you begin to experience symptoms of dehydration, which include dry mouth, dizziness, dry skin, and fatigue it might be an indication of a severe problem.
So before it does any harm to your health, you must seek medical consultation to solve the stomach hurts after eating problem.
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- Coughing After Eating: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention
- Sternum Popping: Causes, Natural Treatments, and Prevention
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Hills, J., “Stomach Pain after Eating – Causes and Natural Treatments,” Health And Natural World web site; http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/stomach-pain-after-eating/, last accessed Nov 03, 2017.
Marchione, V., “Stomach pain after eating – causes and home remedies”, Bel Marra Health web site, June 30, 2016; https://www.belmarrahealth.com/stomach-pain-after-eating-causes-and-home-remedies.
“5 Home Remedies for Stomach Pain after Eating,” Belly Button Healing web site; https://www.bellybuttonhealing.com/2017/03/5-home-remedies-stomach-pain-eating/, last accessed Nov 03, 2017.