How to Treat Brown Recluse Spider Bite?

Brown recluse spiders tend to live in warmer climates and can usually be found around the central and southern parts of the United States.
They will live in dark and sheltered areas like piles of wood.
If you believe that you have been bitten by a brown recluse spider, you should immediately call your doctor or go to the emergency room.
Brown recluse spider bite treatment requires prompt treatment due to the severe response in your body.
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Signs and Stages of Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Signs and symptoms of brown recluse spider bite can vary based on your own body’s reaction to it. Your age and health are also factors you need to watch out for.
After you are bitten you will begin to go through the brown recluse spider bite stages. These are painful for anyone who experiences them.
The spiders contain venom that can cause serious injury and death. Listed below are some possible signs and symptoms of brown recluse spider bites.
1. The first sign of brown recluse spider bite
The wound site may become infected and the victim’s condition changes in the different stages. The various stages may occur within the initial 24 hours after a bite occurs.
The first is stinging and redness that is followed by pain radiating from the bite wound and then a blister and ulcer.
After you have been bitten, it is recommended to elevate the affected area and apply a cool compress.
2. What happens next
When the venom spreads the wound site may become reddish or purplish and swollen. The pain, which can range from mild to severe, develops within 2 to 8 hours.
The pain will become increasingly more intense as time passes. After 24 hours a large blister will form at the bite site.
3. The secondary signs of a brown recluse spider bite
Within 48 to 72 hours, a blister forms at the puncture site turns red and bursts. The wound is left as an enlarged ulcer, which can be reluctant to heal and develop an infection.
The brown recluse spider bite causes necrosis, which is the death of the tissue.
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What to do When Brown Recluse Spider Bites You?
The most important thing when dealing with a brown recluse spider bite is time.
The quicker you are to become aware of the issue, the more likely it is you will not suffer long. If you believe that you have been bitten, go to the emergency room immediately.
On your way there you can begin preliminary first aid. You should wash the brown recluse spider bite wound with soap and water as soon as possible, elevate the area where the bite occurred and apply a cold compress.
It may sound like brown recluse spider bites are scary, but most of the time they are not dangerous. Some of the bites will be able to heal on their own without complication.
But, you should still seek out medical attention if you think you have been bitten. It is always safer to have a medical professional diagnose you than just doing it yourself.
Also, if left untreated it may result in a more serious health condition like blood disorders, kidney failure, coma or even death.
How to Treat Brown Recluse Spider Bite?
Brown recluse spider bite treatment begins at home after the bite.
You should utilize first aid materials like gauze and soap at your house to ensure that the wound site does not become infected during the time you are going to the hospital.
There is no recommended antivenom for brown recluse spider bites. There are a number of treatments and medications have been used in managing skin complications from a bite.
In studies, however, none of these treatments have shown consistent results.
Medicine like colchicine, corticosteroids, dapsone, diphenhydramine, hyperbaric oxygen, nitroglycerin and pain relievers are utilized to treat the bites.
These can be administered at any time during the various brown recluse spider bite stages.
The venom can cause a systemic response in the body, resulting in swelling, fluid buildup, and an allergic reaction. This is why steroids and antihistamines are used to reduce the swelling around the bite.
Antibiotics may also be used to prevent a secondary infection from the spider bite. They will also stimulate the healing of any skin tissue that was damaged. You may also require surgery to remove parts of the skin.
This is due to the necrotic effect caused by the spider’s venom, it will promote new skin to heal quicker and healthier.
Additional surgery may be required after the skin has healed to improve the appearance of any craters or scars left behind.
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How to Avoid Brown Recluse Spider Bite?
To avoid being bitten, you first have to look at what causes a brown recluse spider to bite. Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel trapped against the skin.
They usually are hiding during the daytime and hunt at night. So, if you ever find yourself face to face with one, just brush it aside with a stick or broom, or allow it a path to escape.
Grabbing it with your hands will result in a bite.
Now that we know what causes a brown recluse spider to bite, we can look at how to avoid this. The first precaution to take is just cleaning up clutter in your yard and basement and avoid stacking wood against the house.
This will decrease the number of places for the spider to hide. Wear gloves when moving wood and rocks, especially if you live in the spider’s habitat.
Check your shoes before putting them on. Store tools and hand-held outdoor equipment in tightly sealed plastic bags to avoid spider encounters.
Brown recluse spiders are very scary when you hear about the damage their bites cause. However, this damage is avoidable when you take the necessary steps.
Just make sure you are wearing protective gloves when moving clutter and wood around your yard and house. Ensure that you have proper first aid materials nearby if live in an area with the spiders around.
Be aware of your surroundings, and if you get bitten go to the emergency room.
“Brown Recluse Spider Bite,”