Neutropenic Diet: What to eat and what to avoid?

Are you tired weeding through various articles about Neutropenic Diet available online?
If yes, then don’t worry! We will resolve your every query in this persuasive guide that covers everything you need to know about Neutropenic food diet and what to eat and what all is to be avoided.
FIRST, let us understand…
What is Neutropenic Diet?
To help patients reduce the consumption of bacteria in food, people tend to adopt the Neutropenic diet. Many types of research are still conducting independent research on this topic, yet not many findings are available online.
However, you should keep in mind that the dosage should be adopted as per doctors’ advice only.
It is a well-known fact that bacterial infection is more likely to happen quickly with cancer patients. Therefore, cancer patients have high chances of acquiring Neutropenic diet to restrain such bacterial attacks.
The low count white blood cells, also known as neutrophils that are generated in the human body by a weak immune system, such patients should also adopt this diet.
The human body cells that help the body to be protected against infection are called Neutrophils.
Thus, please keep in mind that a weak immune system could cause the following infections in the human body;
- Mouth Infection or ulcer.
- Throat Infection.
- Fever or Headache.
- Pneumonia or frequent vomiting.
What is the safety advice to follow for Neutropenic Diet?
Following a Neutropenic diet, the routine is not very easy and requires continuous doctor’s attention and medical guidelines.
Therefore, if you wish to proceed with this diet routine, you need to consult a health expert and get the diet chart ready for you.
Some of the advice suggested by experts are listed below;
- Do not use well or tap water directly. The minimum you can do is boil the water first and then let it cool to make it human consumable.
- Completely neglect unpasteurized milk products.
- Wash your hands properly with hand wash or soap before consuming anything. This helps to maintain personal hygiene and reduce bacterial consumption significantly.
- Ignore eating raw or uncooked food like chicken or meat because such food has a very high bacterial dosage in them.
What should one eat in Neutropenic Diet?
Keeping the points mentioned above in mind, one should also know that not everything is banned under this diet. There is still a lot in store for you, and you can eat the following items in Neutropenic menu.
While tap water is not to be consumed, but people may have bottled water or purified water as the bacterial impact is significantly reduced. Apart from this one may drink canned sodas or well-brewed tea or coffees.
Pasteurized Milk Products
One who loves milk and dairy products are free to consume any form of pasteurized milk or dairy products. This may include milk products like milk, yogurt, ice-cream or any other kind of milk cream meant for human consumption.
Fruits and Vegetable Products
Apart from all the fresh and well-preserved foods, one can also consume peelable fruits for day to day use. Some of the common fruits are bananas, oranges, mangoes etc.
If someone wants to consume chicken or meat, then make sure you boil it well before eating s this will reduce the bacteria level inside the food you are trying to drink.
Starch and related Products
All form of cooked starches like cooked potatoes, cooked pasta, French fries and chips could be consumed but in limited dosage.
Protein Products
Protein is an essential component of a healthy diet. Therefore, consumables like eggs etc. should be well cooked before eating to reduce the bacterial consumption by the human body.
What should one not eat in Neutropenic Diet?
Keeping the points mentioned above in mind, one should also know that there are still somethings that you need to avoid and follow the straight diet plan strictly. These are;
All the Neutropenic diet followers should strictly follow all the guidelines mentioned above, such as avoid using tap water as the bacterial infection could attack you quickly.
Hot tea or Bottled water is entirely kay for consumption.
Un-Pasteurized Milk Products
All the unpasteurized dairy products should be strictly probated as they might have a massive impact on your health could damage the entire diet plan.
Well-toned milk and other milk products are safe to use for human consumption.
Fruits and Vegetable Products
Using ready to eat fruits and vegetables could severely impact your health and diet plan. Failure to follow the guidelines could affect the health severely.
If someone wants to consume chicken or meat, then make sure you boil it well before eating s this will reduce the bacteria level inside the food you are trying to drink.
Some of the common fruits are bananas, oranges, mangoes etc.
Starch and related Products
All form of cooked starches like cooked potatoes, cooked pasta, French fries and chips could be consumed but in limited dosage.
Food items like bread with raw products such as nuts etc. should be avoided strictly.
Protein Products
Protein is an essential component for a vigorous diet. Therefore, consumables like eggs etc. should be well baked before intake to reduce the bacterial consumption by the human body.
What do scientists think about Neutropenic Diet?
Bacterial infection and its prevention have been on debate for several years, especially by scientists.
Hence, even after multiple events, scientists have not yet found enough evidence that a Neutropenic Diet could help cure cancer patients by reducing bacterial infection in the body.
When our team researched the cancer treatment guidelines by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, we could not find even single evidence that Neutropenic Diet could cure the cancer treatment.
Thus, we suggest that before you recommend this diet to anyone, there must be prover evidence and proofs that this is an efficient method for cancer treatment.
Final Verdict
The harmful consumption of bacteria via foods and beverages could be easily controlled by dietary changes as per the Neutropenic Diet method. The diet is a very efficient method for people with a weak immune system and patients who have cancer.
I hope that you must have enjoyed the article and have got all the relevant information regarding what to eat and what to avoid in Neutropenic Diet.
Do let us know what you feel about this treatment method in the comment section below!
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