Lump in Earlobe: Common Causes and Treatments

Do you feel a tiny, ball-like bump in your earlobe? Well, the lump in earlobe can be disturbing, and it may keep you thinking what exactly caused that hard bump. It is common to develop the bumps in and around the earlobe, but you should seek a professional medical help to find out the underlying causes.
This article discusses the common causes of the ear lumps, how to identify, risk factors, symptoms, and natural treatments.
What Is Lump in Earlobe?
The lump in earlobe is a localized swelling or bump that could be anywhere on the ear. Nodule, cyst, or tumor are other words to describe the bump. The lump could be caused by many factors. Some examples are inflammation, infections, and trauma (1).
They vary in sizes. They could appear to be a pimple on the ear or as large as the whole ear lobe. Common location areas for these bumps are ear canal, earlobe, and behind the ears. These lumps could be a cyst. The cysts do not produce pain. If they do, it is best to seek medical attention.
How to Identify Lump in the Earlobe
The lumps in earlobe are the sacs filled with dead skin cells. The size of the bumps is small and smooth. They are not larger than a pea, but you need to get them checked if they change in size. These bumps are similar to a blemish with a color that is slightly off than the skin color. They can be found behind or inside the ear, especially the ear canal.
The majority of these bumps are benign. The only issue about them is a minor cosmetic issue or distraction. These can be uncomfortable, even if earbuds rub against them. Damaged cysts leak a liquid called keratin. Keratin has almost the same texture as toothpaste.
What Causes a Lump in Earlobe?
Lump on earlobes are harmless and go away on its own. Some of these bumps can cause annoyances, which require treatment. The first step to do before treatment is figuring out the cause.
1. Acne
Acne is a localized skin inflammation that is caused by overactive oil glands. These glands are at the base of the hair follicles. Acne can flare up on any part of your body. Some common areas for acne are parts exposed to the environment, such as the face, hands, neck, etc. This fact makes sense because earlobes are exposed to the atmosphere.
2. Piercing
Lump in the earlobe is a typical result when it comes to piercing the ears. Bumps from piercing happen due to the sudden removal of skin when the needle punctures the skin to make a small hole for the earring. The punctured area tends to have a burning and achy sensation after the piercing. Then, swelling develops, which leads to the lump in the earlobe.
3. Allergic Reaction to Certain Metals or Materials
People can develop an allergic reaction to certain metals or material. An allergic reaction can be the case when it comes to earrings. The lump that emerges from an allergic reaction is not always a sign of an infection. It is the body’s natural histamine response to the metal or material.
4. Trauma
Some examples of injury to the earlobe are unsanitary instruments, insect stings/ bites, cuts, and scratches. Trauma can cause a lump as the skin heals on its own. A lump immediately appears with insect stings or bites. Unsterilized piercing needles and dirty earrings can also cause bumps on earlobes.
5. Folliculitis
Folliculitis is an inflammation of one or a group of hair follicles on any part of the body. An inflammation happens from microorganisms that enter the hair follicles that have experienced trauma. These are commonly found on the scalp, but it could happen to earlobes also. The reason for an inflammation on earlobe is the type of earring.
6. Cancer
Cancer cells can be triggered anywhere on the body, especially the earlobe. A tumor forms as a lump in the earlobe, and it looks like a hard bump.
7. Clogged Sebaceous Gland
Bump in earlobe due to a clogged sebaceous gland is also called a sebaceous cyst. These cysts are benign and harmless. The cysts are filled with dead skin cells and oil. They are not painful if it is not an infection. These cysts grow on the skin of earlobe, not under the skin.
8. Epidermoid Cysts
Epidermoid cysts are tiny bumps that develop under the skin. You can easily remove them using the fingers. Medical attention is needed if the bumps do not go away on its own in a week, as these bumps can turn into cancer.
Symptoms Associated with Lump in Earlobe
Lumps in your earlobe can produce other symptoms depending on the cause of them. The cause or reason of the bumps could stem from another part of the body.
Below the some localized, non-threatening symptom:
- Itching
- Pain or tenderness
- Pus or discharge
- Redness, swelling, or warmth
Other symptoms associated with ear lumps include:
- Cough
- Fever or chills
- Stiffness or pain in joints
- Runny Nose
- A sore throat and pain in the ear
- Sweating
- Unexplained weight loss
A lump in earlobe associated with the above symptoms might indicate a medical emergency.
There are some other symptoms can turn into the life-threatening conditions and should be evaluated by doctors immediately. These symptoms include:
- Change in level or alertness or consciousness, such as passing out or fainting
- Confusion, delirium, lethargy, hallucinations, and delusions all indicate the change in mental status or behavior
- Uncontrollable or profuse bleeding from the ear
Lump in Earlobe Risk Factors
There is a danger of developing a cyst according to some factors. Here are some factors that put an individual at risk for cysts.
Having a Rare Syndrome or Genetic Disorder
It is uncommon for babies and children to develop cysts. Cysts are more common for people who are past puberty. The skin is more prone to cysts or lumps with fluid when there is acne. Individuals who have experienced acne in the past or currently are more prone.
Lumps can bury themselves deep in the skin. This process is an abnormal skin cell reaction due to trauma on the earlobe.
How to Remove the Lump in Earlobe
It is easy to get rid of pimples and white or red bumps inside or on the ear. If the lump on earlobe creates pain, discharge, or bleeding, it is best to see a doctor.
1. Natural Healing
Natural healing is recommended in the case of pimples and cystic acne. The best course of action for pimples is to clean the area to promote healing. Cleaning the area also prevents future growth due to dirty build-up. Here are some tips to follow regarding pimples.
- Avoid bursting or popping the pimple. Bursting the bump is painful and may cause a blister to bleed for long periods of time.
- Apply tea tree oil and saltwater on the pimple to reduce swelling and irritation.
2. Antibiotics
Antibiotics can come as oral pills or topical creams. Infections of the earlobe or outer ear are sometimes treated with tablet versions. Antibiotic pills are ideal for swelling, little ear bumps, or pimples. An exception is for a condition called otitis externa. This situation requires corticosteroid ear drops.
Your doctor can give a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to remove a lump in the earlobe.
3. Drainage and Excision
A physician may use a corticosteroid injection to treat epidermoid cysts and to prevent future cysts from developing. Another treatment option is to have the cysts drained by creating an incision on the cyst.
Surgery is an option for keloids if they get too big, interfere with hearing, or considered too much of a distraction to the individual. It might not be the best option for cysts, bumps, and growths inside of the ear. The keloids have a tendency to grow back bigger, and surgery can help you prevent them from coming back.
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