Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Yellow Eyes

Many say that your eyes are the windows to your soul. So what makes those eyes yellow and how do you get rid of yellow eyes naturally.
Can yellow eyes be normal? No. Yellowing of the eyes in adults technically known as Icterus (pronounced “ickteres”) is jaundice of the sclera.
Other than jaundice there can be various causes of yellow eyes such as alcoholism, pancreatic cancer, medications, and many more.
Yellow eyes are generally a sign of jaundice. But what causes jaundice? Read on to find out. Bilirubin is a yellow substance present in the bile which breaks down fats. Bilirubin is the byproduct of a process where the liver breaks down old red blood cells.
These red blood cells empty into the intestines and get removed from the body through the stool. If the liver breaks down a high number of red blood cells, then bilirubin is produced at a faster rate. When too much bilirubin accumulates in the body, it causes yellow eyes leading to jaundice.
Accompanying symptoms present with jaundice include:
- Fever
- Chills
- Fatigue
- Feeling of being run down
Additional signs and symptoms include:
- Yellow skin
- Weight loss
- Exhaustionbdominal pain
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
What Causes Yellow Eyes?
There could be different causes for yellow eyes such as alcoholism, cancer of the pancreas, liver diseases, certain medications, and rare bacteria called Leptospira.
To know how to get rid of yellow eyes you should first know the cause. Here are some causes mentioned:
1. Liver Disease
Too much bilirubin in the body due to liver diseases and inflammation can cause yellowing of the eyes in adults.
Liver disease such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver cancer result in narrow ducts which drain bilirubin produced in the liver into the intestine. Narrow ducts can create a slow drain or an abnormal back-up into the body.
2. Cancer of the Pancreas
The pancreas gland is located next to the duct which helps drain bilirubin into the intestine. Pancreatic cancer is typically located at the head of the pancreas which enlarges as a result of cancerous lesions.
When the head of the pancreas enlarges it chokes off or clogs the draining process, backing up bilirubin into the body. This causes yellowing of eyes.
3. Alcoholism
Drinking excess amounts of alcohol damages the liver. It produces excess amounts of bilirubin which the ducts or drains cannot handle. This causes a back-up of the drainage system and leads to yellow eyes.
4. Medications
Certain medications can also cause yellow eyes. Usually, high potential medicines with heavy ingredients change the color of the eyes as you consume them.
5. Leptospirosis
A rare infection known as leptospirosis can cause yellow eyes. This infection is usually seen in warmer places.
If a person comes in contact with water infected with animal urine he may get affected with leptospirosis. Symptoms include yellow eyes along with a sore throat, headache, cough, muscle pain, and stomach pain.
If a person comes in contact with water infected with animal urine he may get affected with leptospirosis. Symptoms include yellow eyes along with a sore throat, headache, cough, muscle pain, and stomach pain.
6. Yellow Fever
Yellow fever can also cause yellow eyes. It is a type of hemorrhagic fever and can be a result of a viral infection or mosquito bites. It may lead to brain dysfunction so consulting a physician is very important.
7. Genetic Conditions
Genetic conditions such as hemochromatosis, porphyria, or Wilson’s disease can lead to yellow eyes.
Hemochromatosis is caused due to excess iron in the liver impairing its function. Wilson’s disease causes the accumulation of copper in the liver. Porphyria is the build-up of excess porphyrin which is needed to form hemoglobin.
Wilson’s disease causes the accumulation of copper in the liver. Porphyria is the build-up of excess porphyrin which is needed to form hemoglobin.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Yellow Eyes Naturally
How to get rid of yellow eyes? The treatment for yellow eyes depends on the cause. Once the cause of your yellow eyes has been determined, your physician will recommend the most appropriate treatment.
There are a variety of home remedies to reduce yellow eyes naturally. The following home remedies will help make yellow eyes white:
1. Oregano Tea
Oregano can help treat many diseases and conditions. The oregano tea can reduce yellowish eyes naturally.
Two teaspoons of oregano added to one cup of boiled water will help treat jaundice and help get rid of yellow eyes.
2. White Radish Leaves
Radish leaves are good for blood circulation or blood flow. Grind the white radish leaves. Add water along with sugar for taste.
Drink this juice on an empty stomach to get rid of yellow eyes. Juice extracted from white radish leaves also induces appetite and promotes regular bowel movements.
3. Tomato Juice
Tomato juice is one more effective home remedies for yellow eyes. One fresh tomato blended with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken on an empty stomach is an effective home remedy.
4. Lemon Juice
Lemons have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce swelling, inflammation, and congestion in the liver. It helps to restore the liver’s normal function.
Having two to three lemons per day can get rid of your yellow eyes quickly. You can squeeze some lemons into a cup of water, add sugar, stir and drink it daily to get rid of yellow eyes.
5. Sugarcane
Sugarcane juice sustains normal liver function can help you get rid of yellow eyes rapidly. Drink one glass of sugarcane juice every day for a week to get rid of yellow eyes naturally.
6. Long Pepper with Water or Buttermilk
One of the oldest home remedies to reduce yellowish eyes is long pepper with buttermilk or water. Soak pieces of long pepper in buttermilk or water for about 24 hours. Then, grind them while adding water or buttermilk. Drink the juice regularly to treat yellow eyes.
While you know how to get rid of yellow eyes, you should take preventive measures beforehand.
Additional steps you can take to get rid of yellow eyes include:
- Refraining from drinking alcohol
- Evaluating your medications with the guidance of your physician
- Increasing your iron intake
- Taking antiviral medication
Do not ignore your eyes and their health. Yellow eyes are not normal.
Always remember that yellow eyes are a serious condition. It is important to schedule an appointment with your physician to determine the underlying cause.
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