10 Essential Oils for Cough or Cold and How to Use them

A stuffy nose and a cough can be hard to deal with during cold and allergy seasons. Breathing problems along with a post nasal drip causing a sore throat, cough, congestion is never much fun. Over the counter medications can help suppress the symptoms but they are not natural. Essential oils for cough or cold could be your answer.
A holistic-minded medicine cabinet can be the place to go for a cough, congestion, and cold relief. Essential oils, also called volatile oils provide the essence of a plant’s fragrance and a particular flavor.
10 Essential Oils for Cough, Congestion or Cold
The use of aromatic oils and plants can be found in many ancient cultures. Different parts of the plants such as the root, leaves, flowers, bark, wood, seeds, and resin are used for healing various medical conditions.
Colds, allergies, and other respiratory symptoms can be a real nuisance. The good news is most of these symptoms can be cured with essential oils. Following are the ten essential oils for a cough, congestion, and cold. These oils have been used in Egypt, India, China, and Southern Europe.
1. Lemon Essential Oil
It is a most effective essential oil for a cough and congestions. Lemon is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. The oil is made from the lemon skin. This oil is used for sore throats and other throat infections. Lemon oil can improve your immunity and slow down the growth of bacteria. It is effective in a diffuser or taken internally.
2. Clove Oil
Clove oil is used to boost the immune system and relieve sore throats. It has a variety of antiviral, anti-inflammatory, stimulating, antiseptic, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Clove oil is best as an inhalant using a diffuser.
3. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is one of the widely used essential oils for cold and cough. It can help relieve respiratory disorders and other symptoms like cold, influenza, coughs and sinus congestion. Lavender can also ease breathing problems occurring from congestion within the sinuses and lungs. Lavender oil is best as an inhalant using a diffuser.
4. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is known for its:
- Antiseptic
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antispasmodic
- and mucus loosening properties.
It can help relieve sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, coughs, colds, and sore throats. The methanol in peppermint oil loosens the mucus, providing a quick relief from a cough and cold. You can use the Peppermint oil as an inhalant, as an ingredient in a balm or internally.
5. Rose Essential Oil
Rose oil is extracted from the Damascus Rose because of its strong aroma and high oil content. It relieves coughs associated with respiratory conditions such as allergies and asthma. Rose oil is best used as an inhalant.
6. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil exhibits protective activity against bacteria, fungi, and yeast (1). In fact, it contains antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. It’s the best natural treatment for sore throats, coughs, and bronchial congestion. You can directly apply the tea tree oil on your skin or add to a bath to treat a cough or congestion.
7. Oregano Oil
Oregano essential oil is a potent antiviral oil. It provides immediate relief from upper respiratory ailments like coughs and sore throats. You can use Oregano oil internally or as an inhalant in a diffuser.
8. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus oil reduces respiratory inflammation and loosens mucus in the lungs. It improves respiratory circulation, provides antioxidant protection, and stimulates the immune system. This oil is useful in the treatment of congestion and upper respiratory infections. It can be used internally, used as an inhalant in a diffuser, or as a balm.
9. Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil is another useful essential oil that can help treat cough and colds. It can help relieve respiratory disorders like a whopping cough, asthma, sinus infection, and bronchitis. It is also useful against certain drug-resistant strains of bacteria. You can use it as an inhalant, in a diffuser, or as a balm.
10. Cedarwood Oil
Cedarwood oil aids the respiratory system and fights infections. It can clear congestion and eliminate mucus in the lungs and respiratory tract. Its antispasmodic properties can treat coughing and congestion caused by the common cold. It is also useful for bronchitis.
Rub two drops of Cedarwood oil to your chest and throat before sleeping. You can also add the oil to your nose and upper lip to help with breathing.
How to Use Essential Oils for Cough, Congestion, and Colds
There are many ways to use essential oils for cough relief. You can inhale them, use as a balm, swallow as part of an all-natural drink, add to a warm or hot bath, or massage. Let’s have a look at different ways to use the essntial oils.
1. Using a Diffuser also known as Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the most popular way to use essential oils for cough and congestion. You can add a few drops of essential oil in the diffuser to soothe a cough.
A diffuser breaks down these oils into tiny molecules that spread through the air. The release of a particular ozone improves the air quality in the room. Diffusing essential oils into the air helps fight sinus infections, congestion, and colds.
2. Using as a Balm
To make a balm of essential oils, mix five drops of lavender oil with:
- One tablespoon of unrefined organic coconut oil
- Tow drops of thyme oil
- Eight drops of eucalyptus oil
Now rub a teaspoon full of this balm on your chest before going to bed.
Oil vapor rub is another option you can try. To make the vapor rub, mix a half cup of a virgin oil with:
- ¼ cup of extra virgin oil
- ¼ cup beeswax (grated)
- 20 drops of eucalyptus oil
- and 20 drops of peppermint oil
Add this mixture into the mason jar and place it in a saucepan with two inches of water. Allow the ingredients to melt. Apply the mixture your chest and back.
3. Oral Use
You can take some essential oils internally to relieve a cough and congestion. However, make sure that the oil is pure and safe for consumption.
Dilute the lemon, peppermint essential oils in a glass of water and add a teaspoon of honey. Now, place a couple of drops of this mixture under your tongue. Clove and Oregano essential oils shouldn’t be taken orally for more than a week.
4. Homemade Cough Syrup
Another way to use essential oils for cough is a homemade cough syrup. It can boost your immune system and soothe your throat.
Make a mixture of:
- One teaspoon of honey
- One drop of lemon oil
- A drop of peppermint oil
- One drop of lavender oil
- A drop of frankincense
Mix it well in a jar and swallow the mixture (2).
5. Adding the Essential Oils to Bath
Adding the oils to a warm or hot bath is another way to use essential oils for cough. It’s one of the easiest ways to relieve symptoms associated with coughs, congestion, and colds.
6. Massage
Using essential oils for cough as massage oils can help relieve chest congestion when added to your chest or back.
Can You Use Essential Oils for a Kids?
Children can use essential oils for a cough too. However, only use organic products because they are safer for children. If your child has a sinus infection or a cough, apply your preferred essential oil until the condition is resolved. Consult your natural healer or physician if you are not sure about any essential oils.
Are There Any Risks of Using Essential Oils for Cough?
Caution should be given anytime you use essential oils for a cough, cold, and congestion. For instance, pregnant women, children, infants, seniors, and those with severe illness should consult with a physician before use.
Consult with your doctor before taking the essential oils internally. Some essential oils for a cough are useful for aromatherapy and should not to be taken internally.
Essential oils need to be diluted with water or a carrier oil before using them internally or externally.
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